China Overtakes U.S. with World's Fastest Supercomputer


The U.S. has long held the world's quickest electronic computer within its borders but China just made a mega-computing device that makes ours look like a pocket calculator.

Tianhe-1A took Chinese scientists at the National University of United States Department of Defense Technology in Changsha 2 years to complete. The project total cost $88 million and the 200 scientists and technicians impermanent happening the supercomputer clocked the Tianhe-1A (which means Milky Way System in Chinese) at playing 2.507 petaflops at its peak. That's a quatrillion calculations per second, which beats out the Cray XT5 Jaguar housed at the Oak tree Ridge National Laboratory in Volunteer State (1.75 petaflops).

"The scientific research that is now realistic with a arrangement of this scale is almost without limits; we could not be more pleased with the results," aforementioned Guangming Liu, head of People Supercomputer Centrist in Tianjin where the Tianhe-1A is housed.

The sheer plate of this superintendent-computer is staggering. The Tianhe-1A is housed in 103 cabinets that resemble large refrigerators. The entire computer weighs 155 tons and occupies an arena of virtually 1,000 square meters. All of the computing power is supplied past 7,168 Nvidia Tesla M2050 artwork processor units (GPUs) and 14,336 Intel Xeon central processing units (CPUs). Using Nvidia chips instead of standard CPUs is to a greater extent economical, but its estimated annual electricity flier is stock-still $2.7 million.

The Tianhe-1A is definitely impressive but I enquire how information technology will compare to the computers of the future as predicted by Douglas Adams. Is it a more diabolic disputant than the Great Hyperlobic Omni-Cognate Neutron Horse wrangler of Ciceronicus 12? Can it talk all 4 legs off an Acturan mega-donkey and persuade it to go for walk afterwards? Will the Tianhe-1A be able to count on the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?

Until then, chivy me not with this pocket computer stuff.

Source: IBTimes


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